Fan confesses to masturbating to Maheeda's nude pictures

                          Fan confesses to masturbating to Maheeda
Nigerian singer and nudist, Maheeda has shared a text message sent by of one her fans confessing to masturbating to her numerous nude photos. According to the addicted fan, he started following her when he was much younger and use to masturbate to her nude photos.
He wrote:

'Good day ma. Are you human?
Like seriously I have been following you when I was much younger and I use to masturbate to your pictures and now you still younger and more hotter...if this persists please grant me my secret fantasy.

Fan confesses to masturbating to Maheeda
Another fan who praised the raunchy singer, wrote:  'He speaks d truth. U are a big contributor 2 d wanking industry and therefore u are appreciated.'


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