A Divisional Police Officer (DPO) in Rivers State (names withheld) has been arrested on the orders of the state Commissioner of Police, Mr. Zaki Mohammed Ahmed, in connection with the escape of a suspected ritualist and rapist, Ifeanyichukwu Maxwell Dike, from police detention. Dike, a 200 level student of University of Port Harcourt was arrested by Okporo Police Station in Port Harcourt while he trying to dispose the dismembered body of his eight year-old female relative, Chikamso Victory, who he rape and later killed for ritual purposes Also, a Police Inspector (names withheld) who led to the team of policemen that brought to suspect to the State Criminal Investigations Department (SCID), Port Harcourt, where he was handed over to the Investigating Police Officer (IPO), former Sergeant JohnBosco Okoroeze Okoroeze, who has already been dismissed from the Police, was last Friday arraigned and remanded in prison custody by a Chief Magistrate Court for allegedly aiding ...